Powered by passion for ceramics

Stoke on Clay CIC is run on a voluntary basis by the Festival Directors: Eleni Brammer; Paul Brammer; Simon Drakeford and Jan Roberts. The Quartet, as they are known, were brought together by their shared passion and fascination of all aspects of ceramics, alongside the belief that Stoke on Trent is truly a 'City shaped by ceramics', and that this should be celebrated. 

The Quartet brings a rich and diverse portfolio of experience and knowledge to the planning of Stoke on Clay 2024, ensuring it is a festival that Stoke on Trent, along with all potters, sponsors, and partners, can be proud of.

All this has been made possible by all the hard work and organisation of the fantastic Festival coordinator Caroline Kisielewicz.

  • Eleni Brammer


  • Paul Brammer


  • Simon Drakeford


  • Jan Roberts